Message from Your Auxiliary President

Where has the summer gone? It just seems to have whizzed past me. I guess that’s good since it means that we’ve been busy. Over the past few months, we took part in the Vietnam War Veterans Welcome Home with the American Legion Post 176. This long-overdue event was well attended and highly successful.

While I was visiting family in Galesburg, Illinois, over the Memorial Day weekend, I had the honor to present city Alderman Dwight White, a veteran, with a Vietnam Veteran’s pin and a Presidential certificate of service. I was also invited to join the local VFW Post’s contingent in the city’s Memorial Day Parade. It was a highlight of my trip.

In June, the Auxiliary again teamed up with the American Legion for Sonny’s (Magnificent) Fish Fry. The proceeds that were collected from the desserts and the two 50/50’s that were held were shared with the Legion. It was voted that our portion of the proceeds would go to the Messiah Methodist Church’s Weekend Backpack Program, which we have contributed to throughout the past year. At one-point last spring, Auxiliary Sisters Ittylene Neal and Marilynn Bianco helped with the distribution of food for the program. Both were extremely impressed with the scale of the project. They reported that the volunteers that day were filling 1600 bags in two rows with enough food to last the weekend. The filled bags would be distributed to various Springfield area schools. In September we again donated to this project, which helps provide nutritious food to 434 food insecure children in our community. The Bakeless Bakesale that started in July has been quite successful.

Thank you all for your generosity. Linda Byrnes, Treasurer and Membership Chair, reports that, as of our September meeting, Auxiliary membership is at 94.6%. We are slowly closing in on 100% plus 1. Way to go! Again, this year we will pick our free life member winner from those who have renewed their membership by September 30. Good luck to all.

Our fall plans are still in development. However, we have decided to support the DC VA Medical Center’s “Winterhaven for Veterans.” The aim of this initiative is to help homeless male and female veteransand veterans transitioning from homelessness to stable housing. Items (new only) needed for men/women include: undergarments; long undergarments; winter hats; winter gloves; socks; shoes/boots; winter coats (can be dry cleaned); and comfort kits (toiletries, no razors); and monetary donations (make checks out to the DCVA Medical Center earmarked for this cause).  All donations must be at the Post Home by October 31.

In addition, there will be Veterans Day, Buddy Poppy, tailgate, and holiday events. Everything we do can always use more helpers. We’d love to have you with us. We meet on the second Wednesday of the month in person and online at our Post Home at 7:00pm. You can  always contact me at 703-899-2252 or

VA News service (testing should update automatically)

VFW Post 7327 Adopt-A-Highway (15 April 2023)

By, Marty Holland, Program Chair

15 April 2023 – Risking a marginal weather forecast, for what turned out to be a much warmer than predicted Saturday morning, members of Post 7327 gathered to conduct our Adopt-A-Highway cleanup. Comrades Jim Ellet, Gary Kelch, Steve Williams, Bob Phelan, Terry Orsmby, Jay Byrum, Dave Clements, and Marty Holland as well as VFW Auxiliary member Anne Holland were joined by 4 members of the West Springfield High School (WSHS) Military Ambassadors Club (MAC) (COL (R) Jeff Toomer, Catherine Nuno, Sean Hood, and Matthew Hood) to complete this bi-annual (twice a year) community service project. As we have done for the past couple of years, we met at the TGI Friday’s on Frontier Drive at 8:00 am and enjoyed a quick snack and a short safety briefing before heading out to our section of the Franconia-Springfield Parkway. (Photos of our group attached)

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